Participation Costs for a Scout in Troop 365

What We Request

Troop 365 asks families to help cover the financial costs of their participation.

  • Dues - A scout is thrifty. Our Troop creatively holds fundraisers and seeks to cut costs wherever possible. The dues have been carefully considered to collect just enough to cover the operations of the program. As of Jan 2024, we are asking families of each scout to pay their own annual registration fees and to contribute locally to our troop.
    • Annual registration fees are paid to BSA National:
      • $25 one-time joining fee for new program participants
      • $146 per year per Scout for registration and insurance
      • $15 per year for Scout Life magazine (optional)
      • These are subject to change and were retrieved from the Occoneechee Council web site  as of Jan 2024.
    • Local fees paid to Troop 365 are $75 twice a year, collected in March and October.

However, our aim is to ensure that every eligible Scout who is interested in participating is able to do so, regardless of financial background. We also recognize there are many other ways to contribute Financial assistance is available for both BSA National fees and local troop dues. Dues and scholarship availability are described in paragraph 7. of our guidelinesThe Scout financial assistance request form is here  - Look for "Scout Fund Assistance."


  • Camping fees - We generally offer camping opportunities one weekend a month, except for June and sometimes December. Also, the July trip is replaced by an optional week-long Summer Camp (described below). We typically collect approximately $10-$20 per trip to cover food and campsite rental. Trips with more expensive activities (for example, whitewater rafting, railroad merit badge camp, etc.) cost more than basic camping trips.
pancake fundraiser
April 2023 Pancake Fundraiser

What We Buy

Here's where the money goes.

  • Fun. We use funds for fun learning experiences that build community, such as camping trips and activities at weekly meetings. (To enable these, we pay the BSA registration and insurance fees, and we buy groceries and equipment.)
  • Recognition. We recognize scouts for their hard work each quarter during a Court of Honor ceremony. When a Scout is ready to advance to Eagle, we hold a special ceremony focused on honoring that scout individually. (To enable these, we purchase badges and rank patches.)
  • For more details about what we purchase, please see our 2024 Budget.
March 2023 Induction Camping Trip

What We Produce

Our adult leaders have enrolled our own youth in the program because we believe in the value of it.

  • Character - Our youth learn leadership, citizenship, and outdoor skills that help them build character and confidence, all while following the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Friendships - They also build lasting relationships and have a lot of fun!
Flag Folding
Flag Folding at 2022 Veterans Day Ceremony

Other Costs

We do not collect for the items below, but the following items may also be part of the full cost of participating:

  • Uniforms - A uniform identifies your scout as part of the Troop and provides an opportunity to display rank and badges earned. The uniform shirt and starting patches cost approximately $55 at the local scout shop or online. Purchasing locally allows you to try on the uniform to confirm the fit and to get help selecting the correct patches. The store also offers hemming and patch sewing, for an additional fee. Any olive green pants, shorts, or skirts are acceptable with the scout uniform shirt. A BSA scout wears the same shirt and bottoms for as long as they fit - it is not necessary to purchase new ones each year, as with cub scouts. Please note that no scout will be denied advancement due to lack of uniform. We also have a storage bin of donated used scout clothing and scouts are free to use any item that fits them.
  • Activity uniforms - We provide one Troop 365 t-shirt to each new scout. Additional shirts and hoodies typically cost $15-40.
  • Camping Gear - To camp, the largest investments are a tent, sleeping pad and sleeping bag. Costs vary widely depending upon what each family chooses. There is no "official" required gear and families select what best meets their needs from any source of their choosing. Scouts typically camp in their own 2-person tent. A sleeping pad is needed to protect your scout from the cold ground (it is primarily for warmth, not softness). The sleeping bag provides loft and insulation from cold air. Please don't stress if you don't have these yet, the Troop has several tents and other gear that can be loaned to new scouts.
  • Summer Camp - This optional one-week sleep away camp offers your scout an adventure with their friends and the opportunity to earn merit badges. For Summer Camp 2024 the cost is $435 if paid by March 28. Camperships are available for those who qualify.


How to Join

You can join locally or online

  • Join locally - We recommend you come visit our troop for a couple of weeks (for free), so that we can walk you through the joining process. We will also work with you on the payment of fees.
  • Join online - While it is possible to join online through the Be A Scout page, it does not fully explain the joining process or financial assistance available.

Regardless of how you choose to join, we look forward to meeting you and your scout! We meet Tuesdays at 7:00 pm at Knightdale United Methodist Church. Parent attendance at meetings is optional.


Financial assistance is available.

Please speak to the Scoutmaster (Boys or Girls), Treasurer, or Committee Chair to discuss.

skills taught by camping