Scouts BSA Troop 365
Knightdale, NC
Troop 365 asks families to help cover the financial costs of their participation.
However, our aim is to ensure that every eligible Scout who is interested in participating is able to do so, regardless of financial background. We also recognize there are many other ways to contribute. Financial assistance is available for both BSA National fees and local troop dues. Dues and scholarship availability are described in paragraph 7. of our guidelines. The Scout financial assistance request form is here - Look for "Scout Fund Assistance."
Here's where the money goes.
Our adult leaders have enrolled our own youth in the program because we believe in the value of it.
We do not collect for the items below, but the following items may also be part of the full cost of participating:
You can join locally or online
Regardless of how you choose to join, we look forward to meeting you and your scout! We meet Tuesdays at 7:00 pm at Knightdale United Methodist Church. Parent attendance at meetings is optional.
Financial assistance is available.
Please speak to the Scoutmaster (Boys or Girls), Treasurer, or Committee Chair to discuss.