Wood Badge more…

“Yet one more item is needed to complete success, and that is the rendering of service to others in the community. Without this the mere satisfaction of selfish desire does not reach the top notch.”  Lieutenant-General Robert Baden-Powell (founder of Scouting)

Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open to Scouting volunteers and professionals.

How would you like to attend a training that takes you far beyond your Basic Leader Training?  Would you like to build your skills in communication, conflict management and teaching methods?  How about a leadership course that rivals many corporate level training programs?

If so, Wood Badge is here for you. This course will help you better understand how all the Scouting programs tie together.  It will provide you with many useful leadership tools to help enable our youth (and YOUR life) to have the best possible Scouting experience.  There is no better time to attend Wood Badge then NOW!

Register now at:


(search for Wood Badge)

****************Remember, Troop 365 may be willing to subsidize your training.  Please talk to the Committee about your interest in attending.

Just do it!  You will GROW from attending this program and it will be worth it.

God Bless you,

Franklin P. Johnston

S7-421-18-1 (Wood Badge Course)

What Critter will you become?
